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The North West Labour History Society

The North West Labour History Society (NWLH) promotes greater knowledge of the rich, labour history from the North West of England.

The society celebrates our history - which includes events and movements such as Peterloo, Chartism, the growth of trade unionism, the Irish community in the North West, Votes for Women, the formation of Socialist organisations, opposition to war, the General Strike, the International brigades and the fight against the Blackshirts, to name just a few.

Join us at the North West Labour History Society as we continue to publish and promote the real histories and stories of ordinary working men and women - people who have worked together to improve their working conditions, and their quality of life.

Our members' subscriptions keep us going. You can join us and help to ensure our future by becoming a member.

Get your copy of Issue 48 of the North West LabourJournal

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NWLH society publications

  • Issue 48

    Issue #48 of the North West Labour History journal

  • Issue 47

    Issue #47 of the North West Labour History journal

  • Issue 46

    Issue #46 of the North West Labour History journal

  • Issue 45

    Issue #45 of the North West Labour History journal

  • issue 44

    Issue #44 of the North West Labour History journal


A good read?

Below are book reviews we were unable to include in our journal due to the limitations of space. For more go to the book reviews page

  • The Socialist Ideal in the Labour Party from Attlee to Corbyn
    Martin R Beveridge
  • Trotsky: The Passionate Revolutionary
    Allan Todd
  • John Saville: Commitment and History
    Ed David Howell, Dianne Kirby and Kevin Morgan
  • ‘Comrades Come Rally’ – Manchester Communists in the 1930s and 1940s
    Michael Crowley
  • Ethel Gordon Fenwick Nursing reformer and the first Registered Nurse
    Jenny Main

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